Tuesday, January 5, 2021

The Mountain of the Lord ~ January 5 2021

I noticed something today.  And I got so excited.  And then I showed my husband and I cried, because I feel like this detail was chosen just for me.  There are some new detailed stone pieces going in at the top of the temple.  I haven't heard anything about what the theme for our temple will be.  But I've been sooooo curious! I have seen the themes that have been chosen for other temples that were chosen from the history of the area or some other meaning that has to do with the church. These are things like sunstones on the Nauvoo temple, beehives on the Salt lake temple, apple blossoms in the Payson temple.  Well, today I found a little glimpse of what the Saratoga Springs temple theme is as I zoomed in on one of my photos.  What do you see?
I see a sunrise over our mountains and a lake just below the mountains.  

One of my favorite gospel analogies of all time is comparing a mountain to a temple.  We have shared this analogy with young men while hiking Mount Timpanogos.  I have shared it with young women, at young women's camp.  And we have shared it with our children during our hikes and camping trips.  

One of the places I "hear Him" best is in the mountains or in nature.  One of the things I love most about living in Eagle Mountain is that I can always look out to our beautiful mountains and I feel peace.  

Today I found mountains and lakes and a sunrise on the temple.  I couldn't ask for a more perfect theme for our new temple.

A peek through those windows, and you can see a staircase. I wonder what it will look like when it is done.

Another new thing I noticed today is that the stake center has a steeple.  It is a beautiful building that compliments the temple perfectly.

These are the photos I zoomed in on to find the mountain details on the temple. 


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